
Taking it back to the begining....

It seems like just yesterday I was reading "Pregnant, Pregnant, Pregnant" on all three of the pregnancy tests I had taken...and yes I said THREE!  I guess the first pregnancy wasn't good enough, so of course I had to run to Walgreens for not one, but two more tests!  We told our family right away, everyone was thrilled and just as surprised as we were... we were just one whole month into our marriage!  What I couldn't believe is that I could actually get pregnant, when just one year before that I was told by my Doctor that I had PCOS(Polysistic Ovarian Syndrom)... she also told me that once I was ready to start trying to concieve, that I would need to take fertility pills/shots, etc...It hurt to hear that, but to my surprise, all of those little "fibroids" as she called them..were gone when I went in for my first ultra sound after finding out I was pregnant!  Thank You Lord!!! :)
Ok, so just a few days after finding out I was pregnant, my hubby interviewed for a HUGE promotion, then a few days later we found out he got it!!! We had to relocate just about an hour and a half away from where we lived before, and move away from his family, which was hard..but I wouldn't have changed a thing about how things happened.  So nine months go by, Isabella is born and bam....we're in our little crappy apartment with a newborn baby, we have no idea what were doing...wtf!  No one told me I would literally get an hr of sleep a night!  

So now... five months later, my little princess sleeps through the night and is such a happy & healthy bundle of joy!  Those sleepless nights were so completely worth it and I would do it all over again!!!! Crazy huh! :)



It's funny how many times I've questioned myself on why I hadn't started any posts on my blog yet... (I created this blog when my baby was born in November of 2010 by the way, but yes I am just now posting my blogs!)   I have so much to share with you Moms...
I know I'm not the only Mommy that feels that the day is never ending and the to do lists, piles of laundry, dishes and bills start piling up right as soon as you think you have checked everything off your list!  On top of all that, and definitely what takes priority to all that, is being the best Wife & Mommy I can be.  I love my family more than anything, but I must say this is so exhausting... but of course I wouldn't change a thing! 
I'm going to end this first blog of mine by sharing a little about myself....
I married my best friend, one month into our marriage I got pregnant, one week from finding out we were expecting our first my husband was promoted at work and transferred hours away, we moved hours away from Family and started our life as a Family.  Our princess just turned 5 months last week, and we are finally settling down in a house, what a roller coaster our first year of marriage was, and now as a Mommy the ride just got a whole lot funner!!! :)